In today’s digital world, having a strong cybersecurity system is essential to keeping a company’s networks secure from cyberattacks. According to Cybercrime Magazine, cybercrime is projected to cost the world $10.5 trillion annually by 2025, with about 60% of those attacks being aimed at small to medium-sized businesses. Emphasizing a secure IT infrastructure can reduce the risk of vulnerability to a cyberattack and ensure as minimal damage as possible if a data breach were to occur. At PERRY proTECH, our team of cybersecurity experts can offer customers a full range of services designed to keep company and personal data more secure.
In this blog, PERRY proTECH’s Dave Rees, Chief Security and Technology Officer, and Chris McVety, Director of Managed Services, detail their top five tips any company can take to protect a network from a data breach.
Tip 1: Security awareness training
When it comes to keeping a network secure from intruders, there is not just one solution that will solve the issue. Rather PERRY proTECH’s cybersecurity experts suggest a multi-layered approach to establishing a secure company network. The first step is to go through security awareness training with those internally, as they are the last line of defense against a cyberattack. By going through training, our experts will work with employees to understand the importance of cybersecurity, identify potential threats, and know the proper actions to keep a network secure.
Tip 2: Stop using passwords, instead use “passphrases”
Passwords are the gateway to information, and having a strong password is vital for security. However, rather than using a simple password that meets the minimum eight characters required, our experts recommend using more complex “passphrases” that reference something only the creator would know, like a high school prom theme. Using a longer, more complex “passphrase,” decreases the chances of an intruder accessing important data.
Tip 3: Take inventory and scan for vulnerabilities.
Just as someone creates an inventory of physical valuables for insurance in case of a break-in, creating a digital inventory of documents on a network adds an additional layer of security in case of a cyberattack. Understanding the systems and software installed on a network allows the individual to know what is happening on the device, increasing the level of security. Additionally, our experts recommend regularly scanning the inventory to identify any potential vulnerabilities and know where weak areas lie. Establishing an ever-evolving digital inventory that is regularly checked increases the user’s ability to identify potential security issues early and decreases the risk of an attack.
Tip 4: Have strong anti-virus software.
Anti-virus software has changed over the years as technology and cyberattacks become more advanced. As these programs upgrade to add protection from intruders, the intruders become more advanced in finding ways to circumvent those security systems. So, our IT experts recommend having strong, up-to-date anti-virus software for constant visibility of what is happening inside the network to better indicate unauthorized activity.
Tip 5: Have strong backups that are tested regularly.
As the digital landscape continues to grow and more businesses transition to using cloud platforms to go paperless, more personal and company information is becoming vulnerable to a potential cyberattack. Having additional backups on a device increases data protection in light of an attack or system crash. In addition, regularly testing those backups increases awareness of where data is going if it needs to be retrieved.
Whether for personal or business, cyberattacks are always evolving and happening more frequently. So, knowing how to protect important data and circumvent an attack is essential to keep a company afloat. Following these five steps will help lay the foundation for a secure network and make it more difficult for intruders to break through. With the help of PERRY proTECH’s team of IT experts, we can assist in establishing strong cybersecurity systems and oversee company networks for suspicious activity that could lead to an attack. Connect with one of our IT professionals to learn more about PERRY proTECH’s cybersecurity services and how our team can keep data secure.