In today’s volatile environment, it is more important than ever for businesses to be able to access the expertise they need to stay ahead of competitors. This can be difficult for businesses that are smaller or have fewer resources, especially when it comes to information technology. However, by partnering with third parties, businesses can expand their abilities, achieve a higher level of customer satisfaction, and help boost revenue-producing activities.

As traditional ways of conducting business shift, companies are learning that partnering with vendors with varying abilities can help them deliver more value more efficiently. These advantages are amplified when there is a strong, mutually beneficial relationship between parties.

Ways to Manage Vendor Partnerships for Best Results

Choosing a vendor to help you reach strategic goals is smart, especially if you lack in-house talent or resources. But you should look for vendors that are reliable, responsible, and are ready and willing to develop a long-term relationship rather than a “one and done” partnership of convenience. Here are some things to consider when choosing a partner for long-term success:

Work Closely

Your third-party partner should be willing to work closely with key stakeholders in order to develop a true vision of where your business is headed – and how they can help. This is particularly true of IT professionals. Understanding the nature of your current IT infrastructure is as critical as developing a design to expand or enhance your capabilities. Any partner you choose should have a deep understanding of your corporate culture as well as the direction you are looking to take your organization.

Check Compliance

Security is important, especially if your organization handles personally identifiable information (PII) or any other sensitive information. When you work with any third-party vendor, ensure that they adopt the same – or stricter – security protocols as your organization. If you are working with IT professionals, they should have some suggestions for improving your company’s security strategy and offer up-front details of their own in-place protocols.

If your industry requires compliance with any specific regulatory issues such as data protection and privacy, ensure that your vendor partner understands the need for compliance and is willing – and able – to meet or exceed your company’s compliance standards.

Share Information and Results

Long term relationships thrive on strong communication. To keep your vendor relationship working smoothly and effectively, make sure you are sharing information regarding changes in your organization’s goals or needs. In addition, share results from any changes implemented or suggested by your partner and keep them up to date with your level of satisfaction. A good third-party vendor will want to meet or exceed your expectations, so they need to be apprised of how new implementations are proceeding.

Be Transparent – and Expect Transparency in Return

Approach any partnership with honesty and integrity – and expect it in return. For best results, be transparent when you share your strengths and weaknesses. In return, your vendor partner should be willing to discuss their company’s strongest offerings and be honest about the services or products they are unable to offer.

Partner with Perry proTECH for a Relationship You Can Count On

Choosing a third-party vendor partner is an important decision – and one that your company should not take lightly. A good partnership is one that will withstand the test of time and help your business grow and thrive as it develops.

At Perry proTECH, we make partnerships our priority. Our team of seasoned IT experts are adept at forming close, productive relationships with our customers so that we may serve them better. Our staff will become immersed in your company’s culture so they can better meet your needs and address the challenges that you face on a daily basis. In doing so, we are able to become an integral part of your team, helping you push toward higher levels of success as we move forward together. Importantly, we help our clients achieve compliance with any and all data protection and privacy requirements and have internal security protections and protocols that allow us to serve as a trustworthy resource for all of your IT management needs.

Trust the partnership that is committed to long-term success. Contact a Perry proTECH consultant and learn more about how we can assist your business in standing out from the competition and achieving your long-term goals.