Tech Challenges for Today’s Small and Medium-Sized Businesses (SMBs) — and How to Manage Them
Small businesses can find a plethora of tech tools that claim to help them run their companies better and more effectively. And in today’s highly competitive market, there’s no doubt that technology is a key ingredient in securing a competitive advantage.
And yet, SMBs must be discerning with their choice of technology investments to ensure that the tools they choose will actually help them meet — and defeat — the challenges they face.
Some of the most common obstructions to digital advancement include:
Budget Constraints
SMBs must maintain financial growth and how a company spends or saves their money can spell success — or disaster. Even though budgets may be constricted, spending money on tech can illuminate future opportunities and help save money in the long run.
Fortunately, managed services such as Managed Print Services (MPS) and Managed Network Services (MNS) provide proven ways to lower overall costs while increasing productivity and contributing to staff and customer satisfaction by:
- Offering pre-emptive life-cycle maintenance
- Improving overall device configuration and emphasizing optimal infrastructure
- Improving network, device, and end-user security
- Optimizing device utilization
- Offering automated supply replenishment and sustainability options
MPS and MNS give SMBs the power they need to achieve and succeed, without straining their budgets.

Securing Data
SMBs rely heavily on intellectual assets. Unfortunately, they are often closely targeted by cybercriminals. Downtime resulting from cyberattacks can shut down a company for good, and at the very least, expose them to potential lawsuits resulting from the piracy of data.
Using both Document Management, Managed Print and Network Services is a cost-effective way to provide the kind of tough data security small businesses need to deal with the increasing threat of cyberattack. These systems, among other things:
- Reduce human error
- Provide authorization and controls, even remotely
- Secure data through encryption
- Provide backup and recovery
And, by managing devices and optimizing utilization, this level of security can be attained while reducing overall costs.

Managing Visitor Security
Physical security and surveillance is a challenge for many SMBs that don’t have the budget to invest in costly trained security personnel. Yet, it is a critical countermeasure to ward of theft and vandalism in an increasingly crime-prone world.
Surveillance and image capture is effortless and cost-effective with the application of digital solutions through managed services that offer:

- Door access controls with single click operability and instant lock-down
- State-of-the-art cameras with augmented visual capabilities for exceptionally detailed image capture
- Visitor management systems that incorporate a selection of technologies such as smart ID cards, database integrations, and visitor screening systems
These protections against unauthorized access can assist SMBs in reducing the financial impact associated with theft and vandalism.
Going Digital
Consumers and employees are beginning to expect — and demand — the convenience of online services and solutions. But many SMBs are stymied in their race to digitally transform by the restrictions of small budgets and a haphazard approach to technology
Consulting with experts in the area of digital transformation such as providers of Managed Print and Managed Network can help SMBs achieve business goals, serve their customers better, increase staff satisfaction, and realize more profitability.
With cost-effectiveness as a primary directive, MPS and MNS can transform the productivity and viability of the small business environment.

Document Distribution/Disaster Recovery
In this rapid-fire world of digital advancements, SMBs need the ability to share documents among departments, employees, and other authorized personnel quickly and efficiently, while still providing top-level security for their data.
Bring-Your-Own-Device environments and an emphasis on a mobile workforce require state-of-the-art solutions that can keep up with security requirements. And having a Disaster Recovery Plan is crucial in the event of a data breach.
Managed Print Services offers remote management and control of authorizations, increased security for distributed data, and a cost-effective environment for on-the-go sharing and collaboration. Our experts provide a focused assessment of security needs and vulnerabilities and offer Disaster Recovery Plans that can keep your business running in the event of fire, flood, theft, or cyberattack.

Targeted Solutions for the Manufacturing and Distribution Industries
At Perry proTech, we understand the challenges faced by today’s SMBs — and we have extensive experience in providing solid, workable solutions that will not only boost flexibility and scalability, but offer cost savings as well.
Our solutions focus on optimizing and maintaining infrastructure, increasing efficiency in the workplace, and reducing the cost of printing overall. We provide state-of-the-art security applications that reduce risks and provide outstanding disaster recovery support.
Just a few of the services we offer include:
- Cutting-edge Printer Hardware
- Managed Print Services
- Document Management
- Managed Network Services
- Visitor Security Solutions (Door Access Control/Cameras/School Gate Guardian/Visitor Management System
Our team will properly assess the needs of your agency, then develop a detailed plan that considers your business goals and needs as well as the scope of your current budget to give you the competitive advantage you need for success.
If you’re looking for ways to take your institution to the next level, contact a Perry proTECH representative today.